Cayce Code Update: Shaping Our Future, Enhancing Our Community

The City of Cayce has recently contracted with Stewart's Community Planning group, Kimley-Horn and Plan Palmetto to perform a focused revision/update to its zoning ordinance and land development regulations to create a Unified Development Ordinance. The purposes of the update include 1) implementing the vision, goals, and recommendations of the 2020-2030 Comprehensive Plan, 2) updating existing zoning districts and uses, 3) documenting and improving applicable development review processes, and 4) updating development standards. Overall, the revisions will create a modern, organized document with graphics, tables and illustrations to make it easy for both staff and the development community to understand.

The last significant rewrite of the zoning and land development regulations was in 2012, but the City has made multiple smaller amendments since then. Because Cayce is poised to experience significant growth in the near future, this update is a critical tool for the City to ensure that this growth is intentional and maintains its unique character.

Ordinance Update Process

The ordinance update will include opportunity for public input via public meetings and a public hearing prior to adoption. Information for these meetings, including date, time, and location, will be posted on the City’s website and also on this page.

General Project Outline

Zoning Timeline

Documents and Resources

Meetings and Presentations

Coming soon.


Do you have further questions or would like to discuss this project with a Staff member? Call 803.550.9504 or please contact Monique Ocean, Planning & Zoning Administrator.

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Contact Us

  • City of Cayce
    1800 12th Street
    Cayce, SC 29033
    [email protected]
  • For All Media Inquiries
    City of Cayce Spokesperson
    Ashley S. Hunter
    [email protected]