Cayce Municipal Court will be closing at 1:00 pm on Friday, February 21, 2025. Court will be closed Monday the 24th and Tuesday the 25th and will reopen on Wednesday, February 26, 2025.

Cayce Municipal Court

Effective immediately the Clerk of Court’s office hours are 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Aucoin – Clerk of Court at 803-550-9550 or [email protected].

Welcome to Cayce Municipal Court. The court is part of the integrated judicial system for South Carolina and serves as the judicial branch in the government of the City of Cayce. We are committed to administering justice in a fair, efficient and professional manner and to ensuring that the rights of all persons are observed. With a focus on protecting those rights and privileges and liberties guaranteed by the Constitutions of the United State of America and of the State of South Carolina, Cayce Municipal Court will consistently and impartially interpret, apply and abide by applicable laws. We seek to continually enhance our court operations to promote confidence in our court.

Municipal Court Information

The Cayce Municipal Court is located at 1800 12th Street. The Honorable Shannon F. Bobertz and The Honorable Bryan S. Jeffries serve as Co-Chief Judges. As Clerk of Court, Rachel Aucoin is responsible for administering the daily operations of the Cayce Municipal Court.

Cayce Municipal Court schedules and adjudicates criminal, traffic and city ordinance violations that occur within the City of Cayce. As a court of limited jurisdiction, the Court hears misdemeanor criminal cases and those cases that are subject to a fine of up to $500.00 (not including mandatory assessments and fees) and/or that are subject to a sentence not exceeding imprisonment of 30 days. Cayce Municipal court may also hear cases that are remanded back from Richland or Lexington County General Sessions Courts if the associated fines and sentences do not exceed $5,500.00 or one year of imprisonment.

Counties covered in City Limits: Lexington and Richland


The Municipal Court Division provides:

  • Case docketing
  • Case management
  • Alternative sentence monitoring
  • Court fines collection
  • Court fine and case load reporting

Municipal Court judges and staff ensure citizens and users of the court receive efficient, fair and impartial justice, regardless of individual circumstances and background, in order to protect each citizen’s right to due process under the laws of our country and state.

Cayce Municipal Court conducts bench trials every Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. and Thursday at 2:30 p.m..

Appearing in Court

All visitors should wear clean and properly fitted clothes. Shirts and shoes are required. Unacceptable attire includes but is not limited to: clothing that is torn, dirty, provocative, clothing with offensive depictions, tank tops, shorts, hats and flip-flops.

Courtroom Etiquette

  • Arrive early and prepared.
  • Turn off all cell phones before entering the courtroom.
  • Gum and tobacco are not allowed.
  • Speak using formal English; not slang.
  • Do not approach the Judge's bench or Clerk of Court's desk without permission.
  • When your case is called, go to the podium, address the judge as "Your Honor," speak only when instructed; do not interrupt.
  • When answering questions, be brief and answer the question asked and stop.
  • Do not utilize profanity.
  • Do not enter and depart the courtroom excessively.

Prohibited Items
Weapons, food and drink are prohibited in the courtroom. Cell phones should be turned off prior to entering the courtroom to avoid possible confiscation in the event of cell phones making audible noise.

Everyone who enters the courtroom must pass through a metal detector/wand and may be subject to search, including any belongings brought inside the building.

Trial Options

If you elect to appear on your scheduled court date, you will have the options of pleading “not guilty”, “nolo contendere”, or “guilty”. In all instances you have the right to counsel and to a jury trial. A bench trial (trial before a judge) may also be conducted. Bench trials will be heard and disposed of by the judge on the scheduled court date. If you would like to request a jury trial, see the Clerk of Court to request a jury trial and you will be notified of your next appearance date by the court.

Court Staff Can & Cannot View a list of some things the court staff can and cannot do.
Jury Duty Information
Juror Disqualification Criteria
You may be disqualified from serving as a Municipal Court juror if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • You are not a U.S. Citizen
  • You do not reside in the city of Cayce
  • You work in a court capacity
  • You have served on a Cayce Municipal Court jury within the same calendar year
  • You have a mental/physical condition that prevents you from serving
  • You pled guilty to or were found guilty of a crime which carried as punishment a year or more in jail and you have not had your rights restored by amnesty or pardon.

You may be exempt from serving as a Municipal Court juror if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • You are 65 years of age or older and wish to be excused
  • You have legal custody, duty of care of a child under the age of 7 and you do not work outside the home
  • You are the primary caregiver of a person age 65 or older or a disabled person who cannot care for themselves and you do not work outside the home
  • You have served on a Cayce Municipal Court jury during the previous year

If you believe you meet any of the disqualification and/or exempt criteria, you must submit a notarized statement and/or proof attesting to the above statement.

Reporting for Jury Duty
When arriving for Jury Duty, you will be separated from parties to the cases being called. It is important that you do not speak with any party to the cases. Please do not bring food, drink, relatives or friends with you.

Paying Your Fines
Traffic Charges
Full payment is due on all traffic charges on the assigned court date unless otherwise ordered by the court. You can pay your ticket in person between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM Monday thru Friday at the Clerk of Court Office in the lobby of the Cayce Public Safety Building, located at 2 Lavern Jumper Road, Cayce S.C. 29033.

Criminal Charges
Full payment is due the day of sentencing unless otherwise ordered by the court

Pay Court Fines
Cayce Municipal Court accepts cash, bank cashier’s check, money order, debit and credit cards.

You may make your payment in person Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Cayce Municipal Court does not accept debit or credit card payments over the phone. You may make a debit or credit card payment online or by calling the bilingual call center at 1-800-262-0128. Please note there are fees for making debit or credit card payments.

Pay Online

If you choose to mail a money order or cashier’s check, please address it as follows:

Cayce MunicipalCourt
Post Office Box 3408
Cayce, South Carolina 29171

All mailed payments should include the ticket/warrant number and your current address as well as a return postage-paid envelope to facilitate the return of your receipt.

Bond Estreatments

Please be advised that effective April 1, 2013, if a defendant fails to appear for trial after notice or if the defendant otherwise fails to comply with the conditions of his or her release, the defendant’s bond may be estreated by a City of Cayce Municipal Court Judge. A bench warrant will be issued and a copy of the bench warrant will be made available to the surety for pickup at the Clerk of Court’s office in Lexington, South Carolina within seven days of it being issued. If the bondsman fails to surrender the defendant or place a hold on the defendant's release from any institution or facility within ninety days of the issuance of the bench warrant, the bond will be forfeited.

If you have any questions regarding the City of Cayce Municipal Court bond estreament process, please contact the Clerk of Court at 803-550-9550. Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Court’s hours of operation?
Cayce Municipal Court is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Which holidays does the Municipal Court observe?
The municipal court will be closed:

  • New Year's Day- Monday, January 2, 2023
  • Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday- Monday, January 16, 2023
  • Presidents' Day- Monday, February 20, 2023
  • Good Friday- Friday, April 7, 2023
  • Memorial Day- Monday, May 29, 2023
  • Juneteenth Independence Day- Monday, June 19, 2023
  • Independence Day- Tuesday, July 4, 2023
  • Labor Day- Monday, September 4, 2023
  • Veterans' Day- Friday, November 10 ,2023
  • Day before Thanksgiving- Wednesday, November 22, 2023 (Leave 3 hours early- City Hall Closes at 1:00 pm)
  • Thanksgiving Day- Thursday November 23rd 2023
  • Day After Thanksgiving- Friday November 24th 2023
  • Day Before Christmas(observed)- Friday, December 22, 2023
  • Christmas Day(observed)- Monday, December 25, 2023
  • Day After Christmas(observed)- Tuesday, December 26, 2023

What interpretation services are offered, if any?
A certified interpreter may be secured for interpreting proceedings and testimony for any party that does not understand or speak the English language or for those who are hearing impaired. To secure this service, please call the Clerk of Court’s office at 803-550-9550 or contact us directly through email at [email protected].

How long should I expect to be in Court for my ticket/warrant?
Cayce Municipal Court holds its regular court sessions Tuesdays at 8:00am and Thursdays at 2:30pm. The length of time you can expect to spend depends on the case load and docket for that particular court date. Typically, you can expect to spend an hour or more. Please note, to make this time shorter, all plea agreements should be discussed with the officer who wrote your ticket before your court date. You may contact that officer by contacting the Cayce Public Safety at (803) 794-0456

How do I get my driver’s license back or reinstated?
If the ticket you have received was issued by the City of Cayce Police Department, you must pay the fine at Municipal Court. The court will provide you a copy of Form DL-53.

South Carolina Drivers:
You must present in person at a local DMV Office or mail the blue copy of Form DL-53 to:

South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles
Driver Record
Post Office Box 1498
Blythewood South Carolina 29016-0028

If the compliance is not received in the Driver Records Office before the beginning date of the suspension, a $100.00 reinstatement fee will be required by the State in order for the suspension to be withdrawn.

Out of State Drivers:
You must present or mail the blue copy of Form DL-53 along with any applicable reinstatement fees to the state in which you are a licensed driver. Any questions you may have concerning reinstatement fees or driver license suspension must be directed to your home state.

Will I go to jail/ what will be my sentence?
Each case varies. Your case will be heard and evaluated based on its individual elements. Only the judge can say what [s]he will do in your particular case. You may not speak with the judge before your case is called. You must appear at your designated court date and time. Please refer to the link Court Staff Can & Cannot. If you have questions regarding your specific charge, you may contact the Cayce Public Safety officer at (803) 794-0496.

Do I have an active warrant, if so, what do I do?
Please refer to the link Court Staff Can & Cannot. Please direct these questions to the Cayce Department of Public Safety at (803) 794-0456.

How do I find out if someone is in jail?
You may call the Detention Center you suspect he/she is located or use the inmate search option on the Detention Center’s website. The website for Lexington County Detention Center is and their phone number is 803-785-8230. The website for the Alvin S Glen Detention Center is and their phone number is 803-576-3279.

How do I reschedule or continue my court date?
You may contact the opposing party to determine if he/she consents to a continuance. Otherwise you may request a continuance in Court before the Judge.

Who do I speak to about if I am a victim of a crime scheduled for court?
Victim services are handled through the Cayce Department of Public Safety. You may call them at (803) 794-0496 and ask for the Victim’s Advocate.

How do I get an attorney?
You have the right to hire your own attorney. If you cannot afford one, you may apply for a court-appointed attorney (must meet federal poverty guidelines,) at Clerk of Court, 1800 12th Street Cayce, S.C. 29033 for indigency screening. This should be completed before your scheduled court date.

Court employees will not recommend specific attorneys or law firms. You may contact the South Carolina Bar Association's free attorney referral service at (800) 868-2284.

How do I update my address with the court?
If you move or change your address, it is your responsibility to notify the court of your new address in writing. Notices of court dates will be sent to the address you have supplied the court. Please contact the Clerk of Court in person to change your address.

Court Hours



Contact Us

  • Physical Address
    1800 12th Street
    Cayce, SC 29033
  • Mailing Address
    City of Cayce Municipal Court
    Post Office Box 3408
    Cayce, SC 29171
  • Rachel Aucoin
    Clerk of Court
    [email protected]
  • Justin Wise
    Assistant Clerk of Court
    [email protected]