Special Events

The City of Cayce appreciates the hard work that goes into planning events and festivals. To help you get ready for your next event, we have put together some resources and guidelines for holding events in the City of Cayce.
Forms and Documents
- Policies and Guidelines
- Special Event Application (PDF)
- Online Special Event Permit Application
- Food Truck Application
- Vendor Application
- HTax Reporting Form
- SC Road Closure Forms
- DOR Alcohol Forms
- State Fireworks Permit
- Cayce Police Special Duty Agreement
Information for Food Trucks
Food Truck inspections – grease and fire. All inspections must be completed at least 7 days before event. Fire inspections can be scheduled by calling Fire Chief Bullard at 803-550-9543. Out of area vendors may be able to schedule a video fire inspection. Grease trap inspections can be scheduled with Neal Klimek at 803-739-5381. Starting July 1, 2022 Cayce will offer inspection stickers good for 1 license year for $5.00.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a business license for my event?
If the event holder holds a license for the event (through the City of Cayce), individual vendors do not need to obtain their own licenses. If the event holder does not have a business license for the event, vendors are required to go through the Business License Department to purchase a license. All vendors will be required to obtain a vendor’s permit. Please call (803) 550-9559 for more information.
We are going to have food trucks, do all the food trucks need licenses?
Starting July 1, 2022, all Food Trucks that operate within the City of Cayce will be required to obtain a Food Truck Permit. A one-time permit will be $25.00, or you can obtain a license good for 1 license year. Until that time, Food Trucks will be required to complete all paperwork and inspections and obtain a business license if the event holder does not have one. Food vendors without trucks will also be required to obtain a business license if the event holder does not have one.
Do non-profits need to complete these forms?
Non-profit entities are still required to complete all forms. Fees may be waived. 501 c3 paperwork will be required to verify non-profit status.
What is H-Tax and is it required from my event?
Hospitality Tax, known as H-Tax, is a 2% tax on prepared meals and beverages including alcoholic beverages, beer, and wine sold in the City of Cayce. All food vendors are required to submit this payment within 30 days of the event. Failure to do so will result in the vendor being prohibited to operate within the City of Cayce for a year plus a 5% penalty fee per month that it is late.
How far in advance do I need to complete these forms?
Event packets are due 21 days before an event. All vendor forms must be turned in 10 days prior to the event. Events requesting road closures or firework displays may be subject to additional processing and should be turned in at least 45 days prior to the event.
What time does my event need to end?
The City of Cayce’s Noise Ordinance is from 10pm until 7am. If your event will go beyond 10 pm a noise waiver must be completed and approved by the Chief of Police and City Manager.
If we want to serve alcohol is there anything special we need?
Applicants will need to complete the SC Department of Revenue’s Beer and Wine Permit for beer and wine sales and/or Special Event Alcoholic Liquors License for liquor sales. An approved license will be required with the special events packet.
Can we have fireworks at our event?
City Ordinance 20-46 states It shall be unlawful for any person to use, fire, shoot, or discharge any fireworks within the corporate limits of the city, except as provided by section 20-47. For the purposes of this section and the remaining sections of this division, "fireworks" means fireworks as defined by state statutory law including S.C. Code, § 23-35-175 and ICC Class C Common Fireworks as described therein. Fireworks may be permitted under the following circumstances: The discharging or shooting of fireworks on the 4th of July between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. The discharging or shooting of fireworks between the hours of 10:00 a.m. on December 31 and 1:00 a.m. on January 1. The discharging or shooting of fireworks in conjunction with a special event to the extent allowed under the terms of the permit issued by the public safety director and approved by the city council. The provisions of this division shall not include nor prevent the possession or use of toy cap pistols and toy pistol paper caps which contain not more than 0.20 of a grain of explosive mixture and fireworks known as sparklers. The use and possession of such toy cap pistols, toy pistol paper caps and sparklers shall be permitted at all times.
Contact Us
- Amanda Rowan
Events Coordinator
[email protected] - Rochelle Smith
Business Services Coordinator
[email protected]