RFQ Riverwalk Repairs & Improvements
Owner: City of Cayce, 1800 12th Street, PO Box 2004, Cayce, SC 29033
Receipt Of RFQ: The City of Cayce request for qualifications from qualified landscape architectural/engineering firms for the above referenced project will be received at Cayce City Hall, 1800 12th Street, Cayce, SC 29033, no later than the close of business on March 31, 2016. Hand deliveries or ground tracking services such as Fed-Ex shall be sent to Ms. Tara Greenwood, Special Projects/Grants Coordinator, City of Cayce, 1800 12th Street, Cayce, SC 29033, & all regular mail RFQ submittals via USPS should be mailed to Ms. Tara Greenwood, Special Projects Grants Coordinator, City of Cayce, PO Box 2004, Cayce, SC 29033. Respondents should submit five (5) copies of a brief (not to exceed 12 single pages) packet to include a description of the firm; key personnel and the roles they perform; experience and qualifications; technical competency; references; familiarity/experience with Cayce’s Riverwalk; availability of key staff to meet time and budget requirements. City may require top ranked firms to come into office to interview in front of review panel.
Project Description: The City of Cayce is requesting qualifications from Landscape Architecture and Civil Engineering firms to assist the City with repairs and improvements to the existing City of Cayce Riverwalk system. The Riverwalk sustained substantial damage due to the recent flooding. This project will include planning, permitting, construction management assistance, design of repair for existing boardwalk and design of new boardwalk and concrete sidewalk, along with erosion control and debris removal. All new greenway components shall meet ADA standards. The proposed repair and improvements will take place over the entire Cayce Riverwalk area.
All questions and requests of the full RFQ packet by applicants concerning this solicitation shall be in writing and directed to:
Tara Greenwood
1800 12th Street
Cayce, South Carolina 29033
O: 803796-9020 ext. 3066
Email: [email protected]
This article was originally published on Wednesday, March 2, 2016.
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Cayce, SC 29033
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